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The schedulerLicenseKey setting is the license key you must enter to use premium features.


// a premium plugin
import resourceTimelinePlugin from '@fullcalendar/resource-timeline';

var calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
  schedulerLicenseKey: '<YOUR-LICENSE-KEY-GOES-HERE>',
  plugins: [resourceTimelinePlugin],
  initialView: 'resourceTimelineWeek'

An Outdated License Key

Often times existing customers who purchase FullCalendar Premium see license key warnings when they upgrade versions. This is usually due to the expiration of the 1-year free upgrade policy that comes with FullCalendar Premium. When this happens, you can do one of two things:

  1. Use a downgraded version
  2. Purchase an additional year of support

To purchase an additional year, either check your email for a renewal notification or send an email to sales@fullcalendar.io

An Invalid License Key

Sometimes the wrong piece of text is pasted into the schedulerLicenseKey setting. Make sure you use the correct key, exactly as sent in your email/invoice. It should be in the form XXXXXXXXXX-XXX-XXXXXXXXXX.