These docs are for an old release. Info on upgrading to v4
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View Option Hash

A way to specify options on a per-view basis.

View Option Hashes have been removed in v3. Please use View-Specific Options instead.

This is specified as an object with key/value pairings. The key tells FullCalendar that the specified option value should only be applied to certain views.

View Option Hashes work for options like dragOpacity, titleFormat, columnFormat, timeFormat, and many more.

Here is how you target certain views:

  month:      // month view
  week:       // basicWeek & agendaWeek views
  day:        // basicDay & agendaDay views

  agenda:     // agendaDay & agendaWeek views
  agendaDay:  // agendaDay view
  agendaWeek: // agendaWeek view

  basic:      // basicWeek & basicDay views
  basicWeek:  // basicWeek view
  basicDay:   // basicDay view

  'default':  // when no other properties match

So for example, if you wanted to dragOpacity to be .2 for month view, but .5 for all other views, here is what your FullCalendar initialization code would look like:

  dragOpacity: {
    month: .2,
    'default': .5