V4 Officially Released
A year after the project first began, version 4 is finally released. A tremendous amount of work went into it. To summarize the advancements over v3:
- jQuery has been removed
- Moment has been removed and time zones have been rethought
- The API is more modern
- Functionality is broken into lightweight plugins
- Plugins have been added for recurring events, Moment, and Luxon
- Touch interactions and scrolling work better
- Lots of internal refactoring that has already made development much faster
Visit the V4 Release Notes and Upgrade Guide »
And the icing on the cake, the toolbar and event styling has been updated:

Anyway, I'm tired of writing blog posts about v4, so I'll end it here. I want to thank all those who beta tested and submitted bug reports and PRs. It was incredibly helpful!
Visit the V4 Release Notes and Upgrade Guide »
Posted Mon Mar 18 2019
Psst... there are separate pages for feature requests, bug reports, and getting help.