These docs are for an old release. Info on upgrading to v4
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Icons that will be displayed in buttons of the header/footer.

Object, default:

  prev: 'left-single-arrow',
  next: 'right-single-arrow',
  prevYear: 'left-double-arrow',
  nextYear: 'right-double-arrow'

This setting only takes affect when theme is false. If you want to change icons when theme is true, use themeButtonIcons instead.

A hash must be supplied that maps button names (from the header) to icon strings. These icon string are transformed into classNames which are styled by FullCalendar’s CSS.

If a button does not have an entry, it falls back to using buttonText.

If you would prefer not to display any icons and would rather use buttonText instead, you can set the buttonIcons option to false.