These docs are for an old release. Info on upgrading to v4

resources (as a JSON feed)

Tells the calendar to fetch the resource list from a remote script. The value can be a string url:

  resources: '/my-resource-script.php'

The value can also be an object with a url field and other options accepted by jQuery’s ajax method:

  resources: {
    url: '/my-resource-script.php',
    type: 'POST'

The remote script must return a JSON array of Resource Objects.

If refetchResourcesOnNavigate is set to true, the network request will be made with additional parameters: the start/end date of the newly visible window of time, as well as the calendar’s timezone:

  refetchResourcesOnNavigate: true,
  resources: '/my-resource-script.php'
  // example request: /my-resource-script.php?start=2017-12-01&end=2017-01-12&timezone=UTC

The parameters are similar to the event JSON feed’s parameters.

This refetchResourcesOnNavigate behavior is present in v1.5.1 and later.