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Custom Views via JS classes

For advanced developers, FullCalendar provides an API for building custom views with the unlimited flexibility of JavaScript code. Using OOP programming principles, one can subclass the base View class, implementing or overriding each specific behavior as methods like so:

import { View, createPlugin } from '@fullcalendar/core';

class CustomView extends View {

  initialize() {
    // called once when the view is instantiated, when the user switches to the view.
    // initialize member variables or do other setup tasks.

  renderSkeleton() {
    // responsible for displaying the skeleton of the view within the already-defined
    // this.el, an HTML element

  unrenderSkeleton() {
    // should undo what renderSkeleton did

  renderDates(dateProfile) {
    // responsible for rendering the given dates

  unrenderDates() {
    // should undo whatever renderDates does

  renderEvents(eventStore, eventUiHash) {
    // responsible for rendering events

  unrenderEvents() {
    // should undo whatever renderEvents does


export default createPlugin({
  views: {
    custom: CustomView

Then, in another file:

import customViewPlugin from './custom-view-file.js';
let calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
  plugins: [ customViewPlugin ],
  defaultView: 'custom'

The View class provides many other methods that can be overridden or leveraged. See the View class’ source for more insight. It might be wise to watch the project on GitHub in case the API for any of the more advanced non-standard methods changes.

The above documentation is helpful for building a barebones view, but making it full-featured and interactive is a further challenge. A robust view should be right-to-left compatible, locale-customizable, allow event dragging and resizing, allow user selections, and more…

Making a full-featured view is beyond the scope of this document. Further documentation should be written and further APIs should be formalized, but for now, it would be best to browse FullCalendar’s source on GitHub.