These docs are for an old release. Info on upgrading to v6


Determines the ordering of the resource list.

String, default: 'id,title'

Can be a single Resource property name. The resources will be ordered ascendingly by the value of this property.

If prefixed with a minus sign like '-propertyName', the ordering will be descending.

Compound ordering criteria can be specified as a single string separated by commas.

var calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
  resourceOrder: '-type1,type2',
  resources: [
      id: 'A',
      title: 'Resource A',
      type1: 10,
      type2: 55
      id: 'B',
      title: 'Resource B',
      type1: 12,
      type2: 60
      id: 'C',
      title: 'Resource C',
      type1: 12,
      type2: 50

In the above example, the resources would appear as Resource C, Resource B, Resource A.

If no resourceOrder is given (the default), resources will be ordered by their id, then by title.