These docs are for an old release. Info on upgrading to v4
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When an event’s end time spans into another day, the minimum time it must be in order for it to render as if it were on that day.

Duration, default: "09:00:00" (9am)

Only affects timed events that appear on whole-days. Whole-day cells occur in month view, basicDay, basicWeek and the all-day slots in the agenda views.

For example, with nextDayThreshold being the default of 9am, the following event would appear to take up only one day:

{ start: '2014-02-04T20:00:00', end: '2014-02-05T02:00:00' }
// goes from 8pm to 2am the next day

Whereas the following event would appear to take up two days:

{ start: '2014-02-04T20:00:00', end: '2014-02-05T10:00:00' }
// goes from 8pm to 10am the next day