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Event Parsing

When you give your calendar event data, whether it’s through an array, a json feed, or the addEvent method, you specify the event as a plain JavaScript object with properties. This object then gets “parsed” into a proper Event Object that is then exposed in other parts of the API, like the eventRender method.

This article describes all the properties you may supply in your plain, pre-parsed object. To demonstrate the simplest case:

var calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
  events: [
    { // this object will be "parsed" into an Event Object
      title: 'The Title', // a property!
      start: '2018-09-01', // a property!
      end: '2018-09-02' // a property! ** see important note below about 'end' **

Here are all the available properties, all of which are optional:


String or Integer. Will uniquely identify your event. Useful for getEventById.


String or Integer. Events that share a groupId will be dragged and resized together automatically.


Boolean (true or false). Determines if the event is shown in the “all-day” section of the view, if applicable. Determines if time text is displayed in the event. If this value is not specified, it will be inferred by the start and end properties. See notes below.

Do not put quotes around this value. That would make it a string, not a boolean.


Something date-parseable. When your event begins. If your event is explicitly allDay, hour, minutes, seconds and milliseconds will be ignored.


Something date-parseable. When your event ends. If your event is explicitly allDay, hour, minutes, seconds and milliseconds will be ignored. If omitted, your events will appear to have the default duration. See defaultAllDayEventDuration, defaultTimedEventDuration, and forceEventDuration for more info.

Note: This value is exclusive. For example, if you have an all-day event that has an end of 2018-09-03, then it will span through 2018-09-02 and end before the start of 2018-09-03.


Array. (For defining a simple recurring event). The days of the week this event repeats. An array of integers representing days e.g. [0, 1] for an event that repeats on Sundays and Mondays.


Something duration-parseable. (For defining a simple recurring event). The time of day the event starts.


Something duration-parseable. (For defining a simple recurring event). The time of day the event ends.


Something date-parseable. (For defining a simple recurring event). When recurrences of the event start.


Something date-parseable. (For defining a simple recurring event). When recurrences of the event end.


String. The text that will appear on an event.


String. A URL that will be visited when this event is clicked by the user. For more information on controlling this behavior, see the eventClick callback.

className or

String or Array. A single string like 'myclass', a space-separated string like 'myclass1 myclass2', or an array of strings like [ 'myclass1', myclass2' ]. Determines which HTML classNames will be attached to the rendered event.


Boolean (true or false). Overrides the master editable option for this single event.


Boolean (true or false). Overrides the master eventStartEditable option for this single event.


Boolean (true or false). Overrides the master eventDurationEditable option for this single event.


Boolean (true or false). Overrides the master eventResourceEditable option for this single event. Requires one of the resource plugins.


String. The string ID of a Resource. See Associating Events with Resources. Requires one of the resource plugins.


Array. An array of string IDs of Resources. See Associating Events with Resources. Requires one of the resource plugins.


Allows alternate rendering of the event, like background events. Can be empty, "background", or "inverse-background"


Boolean (true or false). Overrides the master eventOverlap option for this single event. If false, prevents this event from being dragged/resized over other events. Also prevents other events from being dragged/resized over this event.


A groupId belonging to other events, "businessHours", or an object. Overrides the master eventConstraint option for this single event.


String. An alias for specifying the backgroundColor and borderColor at the same time.


Sets an event’s background color just like the calendar-wide eventBackgroundColor option.


Sets an event’s border color just like the calendar-wide eventBorderColor option.


Sets an event’s text color just like the calendar-wide eventTextColor option.


Object. A plain object with any miscellaneous properties. It will be directly transferred to the extendedProps hash in each Event Object. Often, these props are useful in a custom eventRender callback.

any other property!

Every other non-standard property will be transferred over to the extendedProps hash in the Event Object. However, it is recommended to explicitly define these in the extendedProps hash.

Events and Dates

There are 3 date-related properties of events to highlight:


If an event object does not explicitly define an allDay value, FullCalendar will do its best to guess whether it is an all-day event or not. It will look at the start and end values of your supplied event, and if, for example, both are ISO8601 strings in the format 2018-09-01 without time parts, it will infer allDay as true. If the time parts of only start or end is provided, FullCalendar assumes that allDay is false.


As defined above, this is the date when an event begins. In other words, the event starts from this given date value and continues onwards. This value specifies the inclusive start of the event. In effect, if allDay is not explicitly set to true and start is 2018-09-01, internally, this is recognised as 2018-09-01T00:00:00.


As defined above, this is the date when an event finishes. In other words, the event continues up to this cut-off point in time. This value specifies the exclusive end of the event. Since the event is not expected to continue beyond the given end date it may also be described as non-inclusive.

Again, if allDay is not explicitly set to true and end is 2018-09-07, internally this is recognised as 2018-09-07T00:00:00. It is that point in time, at the final part of 2018-09-06 and beginning of 2018-09-07. Also, this may be interpreted as 2018-09-06T23:59:59 or 2018-09-07T00:00:00.

FullCalendar handles these dates in the same way as discussed in the iCalendar Specifications (RFC 5545) and Google Calendar API documentation.

In summary, start date is inclusive while end date is exclusive. In order to avoid inconsistencies, applications should consider passing ISO8601 strings with datetime values for start and end dates to FullCalendar, if allDay is false.