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RRule Plugin

The RRule plugin is a connector to the rrule js library. It is powerful for specifying recurring events, moreso than FullCalendar’s built-in simple event recurrence.

It introduces some new event properties:

import { Calendar } from '@fullcalendar/core';
import rrulePlugin from '@fullcalendar/rrule';
let calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
  plugins: [ rrulePlugin ],
  events: [
      // standard property
      title: 'my recurring event',

      rrule: 'DTSTART:20120201T103000Z\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=5;UNTIL=20120601;BYDAY=MO,FR',
      // ...or, an object...
      rrule: {
        freq: 'weekly',
        interval: 5,
        byweekday: [ 'mo', 'fr' ],
        dtstart: '2012-02-01T10:30:00',
        until: '2012-06-01'

      // for specifying the end time of each instance
      duration: '02:00'

If you are using <script> tags and browser globals, you must ensure the original non-plugin rrule.js dist file from the rrule site is included on your page first.

The rrule property accepts whatever the rrule lib accepts for a new RRule. See the RRule docs. You can specify a string or an object. When specifying a string, you can use date and date-time formats in the basic ISO8601 format. With objects on the contrary, you must use the extended ISO8601 format (with hyphens).

If you’re specifying an object, you can write some of the properties in a way that’s more convenient than what rrule requires:

  • You don’t need to use the RRule constants like RRule.WEEKLY. You can just specify the string 'weekly'. This is better for JSON serialization.
  • You can specify dtstart as an ISO8601 string in the extended format. If the string does not have a time part, the event will be all-day. If it DOES have a time part, it will determine each recurrence’s start time. Also, if it doesn’t have a UTC offset, it will be parsed according to the current timeZone.
  • You can specify until as an ISO8601 string in the extended format. If it doesn’t have a UTC offset, it will be parsed according to the current timeZone.

The duration property must be something that parses into a Duration. If not specified, each event will appear to have the default duration. See defaultAllDayEventDuration, defaultTimedEventDuration, and forceEventDuration for more info.