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CSS Customization

This article describes the various techniques for customizing the CSS of your calendar.

When NOT to use CSS customization

Firstly, you should NOT use CSS customization if a setting already exists for what you want to achieve. For example, if you want to change the color of the events on your calendar, use the eventColor setting. For more event-related visual customization settings, see Event Display.

Technique 1) Overriding Whole Properties

This is the most basic technique you probably already know how to do. Use the Chrome DevTools or equivelant to pinpoint the element you want to customize. Then, view its active CSS statements. For example, if you want to customize the day-of-week headers at the top of dayGrid view, you’ll see this CSS:

.fc .fc-col-header-cell-cushion {
  display: inline-block;
  padding: 2px 4px;

Imagine you want to adjust the top/bottom padding which is curently set to 2px. Include this statement in a stylesheet somewhere else in your project:

.fc .fc-col-header-cell-cushion { /* needs to be same precedence */
  padding-top: 5px; /* an override! */
  padding-bottom: 5px; /* an override! */

As long as your statement is loaded AFTER fullcalendar’s stylesheets, your padding will take effect. If your statement is NOT written after, or if your statement does not have the same precedence as the original, you’ll need to think about CSS precedence and specificity.

While this technique is rather simple to implement, it is brittle because if fullcalendar adjusts its CSS statements in future versions, you might need to adjust your CSS as well.

Technique 2) Customizing CSS Variables

It’s possible to customize fullcalendar’s CSS in a more surgical way. FullCalendar’s CSS source code was originally written with custom CSS properties, aka “CSS variables”. These variables are compiled down to plain CSS statements that all supported browsers (like IE11) can understand. However, fullcalendar also leaves these variables in the compiled CSS code for you to override.

To override these variables, you must be using a build system like Webpack or Rollup. Then, you must install the following:

View an example repo that does all this

Once PostCSS and all necessary plugins are installed, begin to configure PostCSS. You can do this in a number of ways, but the easiest is to create a postcss.config.js in the root of your project:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      preserve: false, // completely reduce all css vars
      importFrom: [
        'src/fullcalendar-vars.css' // look here for the new values

The above example uses the postcss-custom-properties plugin to compile the variables. You can use the postcss-css-variables plugin instead, but be aware that you’ll need to configure the variables key-value map instead of the importFrom setting.

Once you’ve wired up postcss-custom-properties, write a src/fullcalendar-vars.css file that contains the new variable values:

:root {
  --fc-border-color: black;
  --fc-daygrid-event-dot-width: 5px;

This example customizes just two variables, but there are many more! You can browser fullcalendar’s source code to see all available variables: