These docs are for an old release. Info on upgrading to v6
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Controls which preset rendering style events use. Possible values:

  • 'auto' (default) - When in daygrid, renders the event as a solid rectangle if it is all-day or multi-day. If a timed event, will render it with a dot. When in other views, will render normally.
  • 'block' - When in daygrid, renders the event as a solid rectangle. When in other views, will render normally.
  • 'list-item' - When in daygrid, renders the event with a dot. When in other views, will render normally.
  • 'background' - See the background events article.
  • 'inverse-background' - Like 'background', but fills the reverse space. See the background events article.
  • 'none' - Won’t render the event at all.

The root-level eventDisplay setting controls the appearance of all events. To control the display of specific events, use the display property of an Event Source or Event Object.