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Custom Views via Settings

It is possible to customize an existing available view by tweaking settings.

If you’d like to take one of the existing view types, like dayGrid or timeGrid, but display it with a custom duration, like 4-days instead of the stock 1-week or 1-day, do something like the following:

var calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
  headerToolbar: {
    center: 'dayGridMonth,timeGridFourDay' // buttons for switching between views
  views: {
    timeGridFourDay: {
      type: 'timeGrid',
      duration: { days: 4 },
      buttonText: '4 day'

We use the views option similar to how View-Specific Options work but with the very important addition of the type property. Also, a date-range parameter is required, whether it be duration, visibleRange, or dayCount.

We have chosen "timeGridFourDay" to be the name of our new custom view.

Also, in the above example, buttonText has been used to customize the header button’s text. Notice how it has been specified as a single string, as opposed to an object hash, the way it is done in the global options.

A Simpler Approach for One View

When your calendar needs to display a single view with custom date range logic, you can use this simplified approach instead. No need to define entries in the view object.

var calendar = new Calendar(calendarEl, {
  initialView: 'timeline', // the name of a generic view
  duration: { days: 3 }